HeyπŸ‘‹ I am Rush. I enjoy working with data, machine learning πŸ§‘β€πŸŽ“ & building interactive websites



Machine Learning

  • Anomaly Detection using Unsupervised Machine Learning πŸ’Ά

    This ML project focuses primarily on unsupervised machine learning techniques to solve the task of anomaly detection in financial data. Jupyter Notebook

  • Stock Price Prediction πŸ’°

    This project uses an LSTM model for stock price prediction. Uniquely, I used five leading Kenyan stocks in the Nairobi Stock Exchange. Jupyter Notebook

  • Convolutional Neural Networks

    This project uses Deep Learning (CNN) to explore and predict MNIST dataset, CIFAR dataset, and Plant Village dataset. Jupyter Notebook

  • Fake News Classifier πŸ“°

    This Natural Language Processing project dives deep into Logistic Regression & SVMs to build a fake news classifier. Jupyter Notebook

  • Supervised Learning Algorithms

    This project contains different Supervised Learning Approaches to explore the Iris, Titanic, and Boston datasets. Case Study Jupyter Notebook

React and Next Projects

  • Coffee Connoisseur 🍡

    I absolutely love coffee ❀️. If you enjoy coffee like me then this is the site to visit πŸ’―. A responsive web application using React & Next.js & Airtable & Four Squares that identifies popular coffee stores around your current location with the functionality to upvote. Visit Website

  • Lions Clothing 🦁

    A feature-rich, fully functional online e-commerce store for clothing πŸ‘š with payment gateways via Stripe πŸ’³ implemented. Visit Website

  • House Market Place 🏠

    A responsive, fully functional web application to view houses for sale/ houses for rent and has the functionality of the user putting up their house either for sale or for rent on the web application connected to a FireStore Database on the backend. Visit Website

  • Netflix Clone πŸ“Ί

    A video on demand web application which has similar design and functionality to Netflix. This app employs passwordless login through Magic, GraphQL, JWT, and YouTube API. (The Magic authentication is currently down for some reason but you can clone the repository from my github and run it locally πŸ˜‰) Visit Website

  • Feedback App

    A simple React application that enables a user to input and edit their reviews/feedback. View Website

HTML | CSS | Javascript

  • My Portfolio Website

    A high-performance, Responsive website that uses the power of creative SVG, Greensock (GSAP) & ScrollMagic powered animations for enriching user experience. I hope you like it 😎 MY Website

  • WaRu Restaurant

    A responsive, feature-rich website for a five star restaurant in Roysambu area with reservation functionality enabled. Visit Website

  • Canopy Heights

    A responsive website for a resort that specializes in team building, luxury, and comfort using only HTML & CSS & Vanilla Javascript Visit Website

  • GEN-Z Africa

    A highly animated HTML5 Website for desktop & a much optimised HTML5 powered Web-App for Mobile devices. All content managed with JSON. Prepare to be amazed ! Coming Soon

  • R-Pay

    A feature rich,responsive website about a mobile money payment company in Kenya. Dare to Defy! Coming Soon

Vanilla Javascript

  • Maze Game

    A Maze Game developed using only Vanilla Javascript. Move the ball using computer keys "asdf" Visit Game

  • Hangman Game

    A Hangman Game developed using Vanilla Javascript. Try and see if you can guess the word before your player is hanged ☠️ Visit Game

  • Breakout Game

    In this game you control a paddle with the arrow keys to bounce a ball up to break bricks. Try and see if you can break all the bricks. Visit Game

  • Movie Fight

    A responsive website that enables the user to compare between two movies side by side built purely by Vanilla Javascript. All content managed with IMDB API. Visit Website



I’m an upcoming Software Engineer with a passion for Machine Learning. I enjoy working with data to draw meaningful insights, applying Machine Learning concepts for prediction and automation & building interactive websites.

I'm very familiar with using the latest Machine Learning libraries and web development frameworks such as React, Next, Node & JavaScript.

In my final year of undergraduate study , I took a concentration in Forensic Information Technology and Cybercrime and look for creative ways to leverage Machine Learning in the Cybersecurity and Information Assurance field.

In a quest to always keep myself updated, I read books and attend virtual webinars & meetups.

Curriculum Vitae (PDF)


"Outside the classroom I also engage in activities such as hackathons, CTFs, Coding Challenges & Competitions."

I participated in the Huawei ICT competition 2021-2022 and emerged the best student nationally at the Cloud Track. I also took part in Career Catalyst Programs offered by Microsoft which advanced my skills in Artificial Intelligence and IoT. Furthermore, I actively engage in CTF tournaments and competitive coding in forums such as LeetCode and just recently took part in the Credit Suisse Global Coding Challenge.

Not withstanding, I also enjoy giving back to the society and doing my part in making the community a better place I completed over 90 hours of caring for and helping the elderly at the Little Sisters for the Poor home of the elderly in Kasarani and also volunteered for the tutoring program at USIU and tutored ongoing students who were my juniors.

During my free time, you will find me catching up on the latest ongoing anime, reading novels, and sampling food restaurants πŸ˜‹.



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